

World AI Congress for AI Enthusiasts Alte Universität, Graz

Keynote Speaker 2020

Volker Markl

TU Berlin

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Volker Markl is a Full Professor and Chair of the Database Systems and Information Management (DIMA) Group at the Technische Universität Berlin. At the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI), he is both a Chief Scientist and Head of the Intelligent Analytics for Massive Data Research Group.

Matthias Böhm

TU Graz & Know-Center

“When we talk to industry and partners, we see the problem that it takes months to discover some relationship between two physical kinds of properties and to understand them from the beginning.”

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Matthias Boehm is a BMVIT-endowed professor for data management at Graz University of Technology, Austria, and a research area manager for data management at the colocated Know-Center GmbH, Austria.

Michael Sedlmair

University of Stuttgart

“Artificial intelligence will change the world, but people will also change and use these new instruments and approaches.”

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Michael Sedlmair is leading a research group for visualization and virtual/augmented reality at the VISUS research center at the University of Stuttgart. His research focus is data visualization, human-computer interaction, virtual and augmented reality, and machine learning.

Ian Fischer

Google Research

“Presently, Machine Learning is correlation-based and we are not building models that seem to have a causal understanding of the world and so this is a major research area to push AI, Data Science and Machine Learning forward.”

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Ian Fischer is a Machine Learning researcher at Google Research. He did graduate studies at Harvard and Berkeley in Computational Geometry and Computer Security, and cofounded two tech companies before switching to Machine Learning research.

Dimitar Jetchev


“Privacy-preserving computing has limitations: You can’t do everything.”

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Dimitar Jetchv is a world-renowned cryptographer, CTO and Co-Founder of the security company INPHER with headquarters in New York City, San Francisco and Lausanne, Switzerland. His work focuses on secret computing, multiparty computation and fully homomorphic encryption to tackle modern big data privacy and security challenges.